What do we do?
Piping and accessory manufacturing
We manufacture pipes and accessories on customer demand both on site and in the factory. NEXUS HYDROGEN has the capacity to route pipes on site or under plan at its facilities, collaborating with the client and providing support in engineering, design and technical office work if necessary. Our powerful team includes experienced welders and pipers certified under the strictest welding regulations.
Valve panels
and Skids
We manufacture valve panels and SKIDS under the customer's specification or the engineering department's own design, depending on the project needs. The company has a team of engineers and technicians with the capacity to optimise the dimensions, configuration and cost of this type of equipment.
Component integration
NEXUS HYDROGEN is your best ally for the integration of components provided by the client, both commercial and self-manufactured, in order to form complete and operational equipment. The integration can be done both at the client's facilities by displacing the NEXUS HYDROGEN team there, or at our company's own factory after receiving the components.
Like in the previous cases, the engineering department's support is put at the customer's service.
Engineering and documentation
As part of RIVI Technical Group, the company has extensive experience in preparing documents, operation and start-up manuals, maintenance manuals and all the quality documentation required for this type of facility.
Programming and control
We make electrical connections and communication circuits for all the elements integrated in the equipment, as well as the programming of control panels, and operating logic in PLCs to complete a comprehensive service in all our projects.
Quality guarantee

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 3834-2: 2021
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Part 2: Complete quality requirements.
Scope: Manufacturing and assembly of centralised lubrication systems, piping, welded components, tanks and steel structures, control systems and fluid circulation, hydraulic equipment and pressure containers.