Industries and
fields of action

The NEXUS HYDROGEN team has experience in various industrial fields given its integration into RIVI Technical Group. In addition, throughout our business trajectory, we have participated in a multitude of projects involving different industries, many of which have a present or future application in hydrogen gas systems. Below are some of the fields and applications in which NEXUS HYDROGEN has experience, together with a short explanation of the capacities to add value in each of them.

and ammonia

Nitrogen fertilisers are the largest and most important group among the different families of fertilisers that exist, and Ammonia (NH3) is the basis for the production of all of them. Ammonia is generated by the synthesis of nitrogen and hydrogen. The traditional method obtains hydrogen by reforming natural gas, but the fertilisers of the future will be green, based on electrolytic hydrogen from renewable sources. NEXUS HYDROGEN is involved in the management of all fluids in this process: hydrogen, methane, as well as the ammonia gas itself.


Methanol (CH3-OH) is the basic chemical block from which plastics, paints, resins, adhesives and others are synthesised. It is one of the most widely produced chemical compounds in the world. It is generated from the synthesis of CO2 (or CO) with hydrogen. For its traditional generation, both the CO2 and the H2 are obtained from natural gas through steam reforming, emitting CO2 in the process. In the future, these processes are expected to change into the synthesis of CO2 captured from an external emitting source and electrolytic hydrogen, in order to thus generate methanol without CO2emissions. NEXUS HYDROGEN has the capacity to manage all fluids in the process, including biphasic CO2 + H2 or CO + H2mixtures, as well as all H2, CH4 and CO2.


Oil refineries around the world currently use hydrogen for different processes of hydrocarbon reconversion into other hydrocarbons with higher hydrogen content. In these processes, it is necessary to synthesise the hydrogen (Hydrogenation) with the molecules of the reactants to form the molecules of the products with a higher content of hydrogen atoms. NEXUS HYDROGEN has experience in the oil industry, managing not only the H2 flows involved in a refinery but also many other of its gas and liquid flows at different temperatures and pressures.

Metallurgy (DRI)

The metallurgical industry currently carries out the reduction of iron oxide ore to iron by means of fossil reducing agents of various kinds, mainly Coal and natural gas. This way, the fuels can extract the oxygen from the oxide, leaving as a result the pure metallic material and associated CO2 emissions.

Hydrogen is a reducing agent that extracts oxygen from iron oxide without direct CO2 emissions. That is the reason why large metallurgical companies, with which NEXUS HYDROGEN works through its parent company RIVI, are moving towards converting their current direct methane reduction plants (DRI) to hydrogen. Thanks to this, greater amounts of H2 are gradually being inserted into the current methane in order to achieve higher percentages of decarbonisation in the process. The ultimate goal of the industry is to achieve plants (DRI) operating at 100% with H2 as the reducing agent. NEXUS HYDROGEN has the capacity to face the new challenges of the metallurgical industry, supporting it by managing the hydrogen and methane flows in the process.

and transport

One of the main world industries that should be decarbonised to achieve zero CO2, emissions (according to the goals set by the United Nations for 2050) is transport. A proposed solution for heavy transport are vehicles powered by green hydrogen. Mainly heavy transport vehicles powered by hydrogen gas stored at 350 bar.

To supply this hydrogen to the vehicles, a special facility is necessary, called hydrogen station or HRS (Hydrogen Refueling Station). It generates, compresses and supplies the vehicle with hydrogen at 350 bar. Given the negative Joule coefficient of hydrogen gas, it heats up in the expansions and therefore it is necessary to cool the supplied gas down to -40ºC before being dispensed to the vehicle. Besides, to ensure a sufficient recharge flow, a cascade management of several tanks is carried out, which alternate during recharge. NEXUS HYDROGEN has the capacity to manage all the pipes, as well as the control of the hydrogen dispensing flows and the flows and heat exchangers of the chiller that cools the gas down.


In today's industry, one of the main energy consumptions is dedicated to the generation of heat for different purposes. Currently, most of this heat generation is obtained from burning different fossil fuels such as natural gas, diesel or coal, emitting CO2 and other pollutants in the process. 

One of the candidate technologies to replace this is hydrogen, since when burned in a combustion chamber it only emits water vapour as "waste".

NEXUS HYDROGEN has experience in the management of gases for combustion processes similar to hydrogen and in turn experience in the conduction of hydrogen gas applicable to the new hydrogen combustion processes for different industries.

The industries with the greatest interest in hydrogen are glass and cement, because given their high processing temperatures, other alternative methods are difficult to apply. NEXUS HYDROGEN has experience in both industries, managing different fluid flows in their processes.

Green H2

The main process to generate hydrogen gas without CO2 emissions requires water electrolysis using a renewable electrical source, such as wind or photovoltaic energy.

This process involves the supply to the ultra-pure water electrolyser, as well as the internal management of biphasic fluids of water with hydrogen and oxygen bubbles in it. The electrolyser also demands thermal energy evacuation through heat transfer fluids and subsequent gas purification to extract water and oxygen traces from the gas.

Once generated, the hydrogen is usually taken to low-pressure storage (10-40 bar) and later compressed at higher pressures if it's necessary for the application.

NEXUS HYDROGEN has the necessary experience for the design and execution of all fluid systems involved in an electrolyser and the subsequent gas treatment. Both the condition of hydrogen at different pressures, as well as the management of bubbling biphasic fluids or refrigeration systems with heat transfer fluids.

H2 production
from Biogas
or natural gas

In today's industry, one of the main energy consumptions is dedicated to the generation of heat for different purposes. Currently, most of this heat generation is obtained from burning different fossil fuels such as natural gas, diesel or coal, emitting CO2 and other pollutants in the process. 

One of the candidate technologies to replace this is hydrogen, since when burned in a combustion chamber it only emits water vapour as "waste".

NEXUS HYDROGEN has experience in the management of gases for combustion processes similar to hydrogen and in turn experience in the conduction of hydrogen gas applicable to the new hydrogen combustion processes for different industries.

The industries with the greatest interest in hydrogen are glass and cement, because given their high processing temperatures, other alternative methods are difficult to apply. NEXUS HYDROGEN has experience in both industries, managing different fluid flows in their processes.

Blending with
natural gas

Piped natural gas in one of the main energy supplies in many countries. It has a high implementation both in pipelines and end use applications. That is why, for the decarbonisation of all these applications, it is intended to continue using that same network with natural gas mixed with hydrogen, so that the entire infrastructure can be used while decarbonising it at the same time. NEXUS HYDROGEN has experience in the management of both gases, natural gas and hydrogen, in their control, compression and mixing.

Electricity generation

In today's society, fossil-fuel-based power generators are used in places where there is no electric grid or where, even though it may exist, a supply guarantee is needed in the event of blackouts. Both applications can be decarbonised with fuel cells that generate electricity and water on site by using hydrogen and air. NEXUS HYDROGEN has capacities and experience managing dynamic air, hydrogen and water flows, to the same degree of control dynamism and order of magnitude as those required for a fuel cell.

Quality guarantee

NEXUS HYDROGEN has established a quality management system consisting of a quality manual and its corresponding procedures. We also have EU certificates for design type and production type with regard to PED (Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE) certified by the notified body Lloyd's Register España, S.A. according to Design Standard: ASME VIII Div. 1. Besides, we count on procedures and welders authorised in accordance with Euronorm and ASME IX. We carry out NDT (non-destructive tests), a systematisation of the innovation process towards excellent management through the metinex project.
In order to guarantee the quality of our services, NEXUS HYDROGEN follows the standards published in the ISO standards that correspond to our area of expertise. Not only do we follow international standards to offer value in the development of our activity, but we also have the relevant certificates that prove such adaptation to these standards.

ISO 9001:2015


ISO 3834-2: 2021

Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Part 2: Complete quality requirements.
Scope: Manufacturing and assembly of centralised lubrication systems, piping, welded components, tanks and steel structures, control systems and fluid circulation, hydraulic equipment and pressure containers.